Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 2, 2012

Job Update

Last Thursday, I was able to follow up with my boss about no longer wanting/being able to work full-time.  She met with her boss, our agency seems to have a lot of layers of management sometimes :), and we were right, working part-time is not an option in my current position or department.  They are really worried that if they let me work part-time, other people would want to do it too, which I completely understand.  They are also worried that they could end up losing a full time position in our department permanently, which I also don't want to happen.  Although it makes me boss clearly thinks that all the work our department does could still be done with me working part time, but she worries in the future that if I wasn't there she couldn't find someone to fill that same role?  Maybe we have less than stellar people working for our agency???

Anyway, her boss said that she really values me as an employee and would hate for the agency to lose me, which is very flattering.  She also said that they are going to be creating some new, part-time positions and posting them in the next few weeks.  My boss didn't have all the details about what they would be, so they might not really be a fit for me, but she thought that they might fill what I was looking for.  I'm not going to lie, I'm actually pretty excited about this possibility.  So basically I'm giving it a few more weeks to see if the jobs are posted, what the pay will be, etc.  I'm hoping something happens soon though, I do hate feeling like I'm in limbo!


  1. It does sound very flattering how much your bosses don't want to lose you. I hope one of the new part time positions works for you! That would be great. I know it isn't any fun to just be waiting right now so hopefully you get it all sorted out soon, whatever happens.

  2. Good luck. Hope the pt position is perfect for you!!

  3. I really hope it all works out for you and you get the best of both worlds!!!!!

  4. My boss said the same thing, about not wanting to lose a full time position in the future. Psh, whatever. I'm glad you are being more understanding than I was though and I think it's great that you might get the best of both worlds, working part time at your current company AND getting to spend more time with your babe!
