Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2 Weeks!

Well, tomorrow Nick will be 2 weeks old.  It's really unbelievable how quickly the past two weeks have flown by but also how at the same time I can barely remember what life was like without him here.  So far we are adjusting pretty well to life at home.  J stayed home for the first week and my mom was in town until last Friday, so basically yesterday was my first day "on my own."  Unfortunately, it was a little rough :(  I didn't even have time for a shower and Nick decided that he didn't need to nap at all until 4:00 in the afternoon.  Yesterday was also the day he decided that he would rather nurse every 2 hours during the day instead of every 3.  He typically takes about 40-50 minutes to nurse, so that wasn't giving me much of a break at all.  Today has been much better.  I took a shower first thing this morning since Nick had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I didn't want to be rushed.  Everything went well at the doctor's, but Nick screamed the entire time we were there.  He absolutely hates having his clothes off....which is funny because I thought boys liked being naked ;)  He also screams whenever his diaper or clothes are being changed and during baths.  Seriously, it sounds like the kid is being murdered.  The rest of the time he's pretty happy, so I really can't complain.  I feel so incredibly blessed to be his mom. 

His stats from today at the doctor:
8 lbs.  (way up from his birth weight of 7 lbs. 1 oz.)
22 inches


  1. I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already! He's grown so much, you must be doing something right Mama!!

  2. Wow, two weeks all ready!
    In terms of the screaming during anything naked, it will get better. Avery hated all of those things too, and now baths and the changing table are her two favorite places in the world (besides being held by mommy or daddy)!

  3. Yay for hearing things are going so well :) I think all babies hate being naked, our nephew, born Dec 30, hates it as well. We think he gets cold. Apparently, putting a (clean) burp cloth or lovey over his belly while changing him has helped with the cries my SIL and BIL have been experiencing!
