Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who Needs Sleep?

......this girl!  The past few nights sleeping has been awful for me.  I fall asleep okay, but seem to wake up every night between 2 and 3 am.  I use the bathroom (most of the time) and then have a lot of trouble falling back asleep.  Some nights after laying there/tossing/turning for an hour or so, I just give up and get up.  This morning I woke up a little before 3.  I managed to doze on and off for a bit, but at 4:30 I finally gave up decided to watch TV.  It's now 6 AM and I'm still wide awake.  Since I'm not working this week it's not really that big of a deal because I can nap during the day if I need to, but honestly I haven't been that tired during the day.  It's really strange.  Any suggestions for how to get better sleep?  Or something to do to pass all this free time I suddenly have at night? 


  1. Sorry (not) sleeping is so sucky right now. I can totally relate. This has been me for the past 2.5wks! It stinks! As for tips... I found I sleep AMAZINGLY the night following the early wake up, as long as I take a short or no nap.

  2. This is totally how I was too! It is awful.
    I found I I didn't take a nap it helped.
    Also if you have netflix I suggest getting in to a new tv serires you can watch streaming.
    I became adicted to Friday night lights!
    Oh tim riggins is so hot!!!!

  3. In my last tri I barely slept at night. I think its a way of your body preparing you for baby!!!
