Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 2, 2012

Same Story....

Well, last night around 10:30 I decided to call the on-call doctor and let him know that my contractions were getting pretty regular, coming every 5-6 minutes for the past two hours.  The majority of them still weren't lasting for more than 45 - 50 seconds, and they didn't seem to be getting much stronger, so I figured he would tell me it was okay to keep hanging out at home.  Of course, the on-call doctor was the only one in the practice that I had an odd experience with in the office (I think he has a sense of humor that I just don't get), but he was very helpful.  He said they would really like to see the contractions lasting at least a minute and coming every 4-5 minutes before they would want me to come in.  He asked me to monitor them for the next few hours and see if they changed. 

Around 11:30 we decided to head to bed.  They were still pretty mild and I thought I would be able to sleep through them.  I don't know how much I actually slept and ended up getting up at 1:45.  The contractions came pretty consistently throughout the night, but again they didn't seem to be getting much stronger they were definitely uncomfortable, but that was really it.  They really just felt like I needed to use the bathroom which is where I ended up spending most of the night.  I was finally able to get back to sleep around 5 am and woke up at 7 for the day.  The contractions continued throughout the morning while I was getting ready for the day.  I thought for sure they were getting more intense and that we'd be heading to the hospital by early afternoon.  Nope, no such luck.  They started getting further and further apart.  For a few hours I didn't even have any at all!  What a disappointment! 

On the plus side, I was able to put away most of my Christmas decorations today.  I left the tree up since it takes so much work to put it away and it will be something easy for my mom to do when she's here because it all goes into one box. 

We just finished dinner and things seem like maybe they are picking up again, so I'm just hanging out on the birth ball, watching football, and trying my best to keep track of things.  Hopefully tomorrow I will have better news :) 

Also, based on today's experience, I'm thinking I should just skip going into the office tomorrow, especially since my induction appointment is scheduled for the afternoon and I might need some time to get ready for that!


  1. Awe I hope he comes on his own and those contractions pick up!!!

  2. So exciting!!!! I hope he comes on his own and that those contractions got you started! Who knows, maybe they got you dilated to 2 or 3?

  3. Oh exciting! Thinking of you!! Can't wait to hear the news!!!

  4. Yay, so exciting! Can't wait to hear your birth story!
